Friday, 17 April 2015

Exciting news!

I'm pleased to announce I am going to be doing one week's work experience at my company's press office in London for the launch of the new flagship store!
Better get brushing up on my shorthand on the train...

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Tyranny of grammar

Why are adverbs so extremely, mind-numbingly, tediously boring and hideous?
Adverbs are the ones who leave the toilet seat up.
Adverbs are the shoelace you snap when trying to tie them.
Adverbs are wrong and need to be stopped.

Suffice to say I am doing a first edit of a short for submission and I seem to use adverbs as much in prose as I do in real life.

Monday, 6 April 2015

New submissions

My new work is another submission for Are You Sitting Comfortably? hosted by The White Rabbit. This time the theme is 'heroes and villains' and I'm taking a sideways look at what it means to be heroic in a world of superheroes. Are the heroes the ones with their pants over their tights? Or are they the normal people going to work and keeping the economy afloat? Are the villains always the ones laughing in an underground lair, or are they the people who look just like you and me?

I've also found a writing group near me and I am working on a piece on the theme of 'intrusion', which is proving difficult to avoid stereotypes and clumsy plot so  it needs a lot more thought.
I watch a lot of horror films (read: horror is the only genre I watch) so the theme is familiar to the point of being predictable - "What was that sound?" "Oh no, the serial killer is in the house!" The key is going to be avoiding cliché as much as possible.

Follow me on twitter for more ramblings and inspiration searching: @ruthsedar
Anything work or writing related is always tagged #amwriting but I am also prone to rudeness, swearing, tangents, observations and everything else. What I'm trying to say is I talk a lot.